To strengthen the concept of student discipline,Promote a good habit of promoting students to develop discipline and law,May 9,how to play blackjack The School of Computer and Communication Engineering held a school discipline study warning education in the conference room 202 of the Basic Building,Part -time counselor Zhang Cuiping and the 23rd class class leader participating in the meeting。

blackjack casino will be on,Zhang Cuiping led the class leaders of each class to jointly learn the contents of the Lieutenant Campus of the Lieutenant Colonels of the Lieutenant Colonels of the Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University,and combined with students' disciplinary warning education case,Analyze the causes and consequences of students' disciplinary violations,Remind students to lead to precepts,Self -police introspection。Last,Zhang Cuiping put forward several requirements for the participating team leaders: First, to how to play blackjack recognize the importance of compliance with the law,Build a sense of discipline; the second is to do a good job of model leading the classmates,Consciously abide by the school rules; the third is to be a good "class to pass the speaker",Communication and warning content of the school rules and school discipline to classmates,Drive the class to form a good class style that follows the rules and discipline。

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