Introduction to Function
Current position: Home & gt; College Overview & gt; Introduction to Function

1. Dean

1. Presides the work of the whole hospital,Including scientific research、Teaching、Student work、Administrative management and other tasks;

2. Responsible for discipline construction;

3. Responsible for team building and management;

4. Responsible for safety and stability;

5. Responsible for funding budget, use, etc.;

6. Responsible for the formulation of various documents、Various reports、Report、Approval of the agreement;

7. Responsible for the management of various departments of the hospital;

8. Responsible for the assessment of teachers;

9. Responsible for formulating the planning, work plan and summary of the whole hospital;

10. Responsible for the management of the hospital website;

11. Other tasks assigned by school leaders.

2. Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Dean of the Party Committee

1. Presides the comprehensive work of the party committee of the college。Publicity and execution of the party's route、policy、Policy,Guidance and of the school's party committee

   The implementation of the various decisions of the college。Decisions of actively participating in the major matters of the college,Give full play to the core and insurancecertificate

   Supervision role;

2. Adhere to the party's democratic centralized organizational principles,Be a good monitor。Give full play to the role of the party committee,Support InstituteLong

   Carrying out and responsible independently within its duties;

3. Policies and development around higher education,Combined with the actual situation of the college,Carry out party building blackjack casino and ideological and political work; organize party

   Members and faculty workers work hard to complete teaching、Scientific Research、The work of technology development;

4. Frequent in -depth teaching、The front line of scientific research,Investigation Research,Summary experience,Timely study to solve existing problems。Passionate connection

   Waiting for the masses to come and visit,Listen to opinions extensively,Consciously accept the supervision of the masses。Caring for the lives of the masses,wholeheartedlyTeaching

   Employee service;

5. Strengthen the leadership of the work of party branches,Guide the party branch to establish a working system,Help the party branch to solve the work that appears in the work


6. Do a good job of cultivating cadres、Use。Education Supervision Party members, especially party members, leading cadres to abide by the law,Integrity Fenggong,Cut

   Performing the obligations of party members。Protect the rights of party members。Disciplinary of the serious party,Timely investigating and punishing disciplinary party members;

7. Reasonably connect with democratic parties and non -party people,Do a good job in the united front of the party;

8. Complete other work tasks assigned by the party committee of the school;

9. Responsible for the work of the college laboratory,Specific responsibility for the construction plan of the laboratory、Complete the declaration、Construction、Acceptance and Management;

10. Responsible for the hygiene of the experimental place、Safety Supervision and Management and the assessment of experimental teachers;

11. Responsible for the personnel work of the college;

12. Responsible for the administrative work of the college;

13. Responsible for the college's relevant international cooperation and exchange、International Cooperation School。

Three, Deputy Dean Teaching

1. Responsible for the teaching of undergraduates,Implement various teaching tasks,Implementation of teaching operation management,Responsible for the academic organization and the whole hospital

   Arrangement of course tasks;

2. Specific responsibility for organizing the formulation and adjustment of teaching plans for various teaching and research rooms;

3. Responsible for the supervision and inspection of teaching quality management; organize the teaching evaluation work; responsible for handling accident teaching accidents;

4. Specific responsibility for the formulation of the training plan, review;

5. Specific responsibility for formulating teaching materials construction plan,Organization textbook、Editing and review of lectures and teaching preparation materials; blackjack casino according to the teaching scheme

   Division, responsible for formulating the use of textbooks;

6. Responsible for teaching reform and organize teaching discussions;

7. Specific responsibility and organizing teaching internship、Production internship、Graduation internship and graduation defense and other teaching work;

8. Specific responsibility for students' student status、Degree management; responsible for various examination management work and various certificates issuers

   Practice, grasping the construction style, the construction of the teaching style, and the construction of the style;

9. Specific responsibility for the formulation of the cultural quality education planning and the organization and implementation of the plan of college students;

10. Specific responsibility for the review of the teaching workload;

11. Specific responsibility for curriculum,Especially the construction of boutique courses;

12. Responsible for graduate training-course management work;

13. Other tasks assigned by the dean.

4. Deputy Dean of Scientific Research

1. Responsible for scientific research; specifically the formulation of the scientific research plan、Declaration of various projects、Contact、Introduction、Organization and management;

2. Specific responsibility for the acceptance of scientific research projects、Achievement Appraisal、Application for rewards;

3. Responsible for discipline construction,Specific responsibility for the formulation and implementation of the disciplinary construction development plan;

4. Responsible for the construction platform and base construction (such as key laboratories),Specific planning of the scientific research team、Construction

   and management;

5. Responsible for the construction of off -school internships and training bases;

6. Responsible for the management of various equipment、Teaching equipment purchase、Examination and acceptance of scrapped。;

7. Specific responsibility for the recommendation review of graduate mentors,Graduate Training-Project Stage Management;

8. Innovative and entrepreneurial students (undergraduates and graduate students) will participate in the organization and construction of the team;

9. Other tasks assigned by the dean.

V. Deputy Dean and Deputy Secretary of the Student Working Committee

1. Comprehensive responsibility for students (undergraduates and graduate students) party building、ideological and political education work;

2. Specifically responsible for the daily management of the student team、Guarantee the safety and stability of students in the school;

3. Responsible for the development of party members of the students of students、The development of party organization activities and other tasks;

4. Responsible for various scholarships、Evaluation blackjack online game of Student Fund、distributed;

5. Responsible for the management of various student clubs in the hospital,Specifications activity、Daily Management;

6.、Organization for graduate students、Statistics of test results, etc.;

7. Specific responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the hospital website;

8. Responsible for enrollment publicity、Receiving newborn、Education education and graduate departure work;

9. The identification of specific responsible for poor students、Create file、Loan、Repay loan;

10. Responsible for the political ideological work of students、Psychological Health Consultation and Education,Handling students' emergencies;

11.、Coordination and guidance,Specific includeLearning

    All kinds of innovative practice participated in students、Technology competition、Social Practice、Cultural and sports activities, etc.;

12. Specific employment of graduates (undergraduates and graduate students);

13. Other tasks assigned by the dean.


1. Responsible for handling the daily affairs of the college;

2. Responsible for the management of the college、Various reports、Archives and other relevant information;

4. Assist leaders and do a good job of students;

5. Responsible for handling the daily affairs of the student office;

6. Specifically responsible for the review of students' leave, application, etc.;

7. Responsible for managing the relevant information of the student office、File、files and other materials;

8. Assist the leaders to do a good job of party affairs;

9. Other tasks assigned by the leaders of the hospital.

Seven, Director of Teaching and Research Office

1. Assist the leaders to do a good job of daily teaching、Exam、Student Internship、Graduation defense and other work;

2. Assist leaders to do good jobs and auxiliary work such as employment recommendations;

3. Assist leaders to do a good job of management and coordination of scientific research;

4. Responsible for the statistics and reports of the scientific research work of the hospital;

5. Study management;

6. Other tasks assigned by the leaders of the hospital.

8. Professional Director

1. Professional Director is responsible for the business leadership and organization of this specialty,Implement the teaching of schools and colleges、Scientific research and other aspects

   Thoughts and tasks,Report work to the leaders regularly,and often put forward constructive opinions in teaching;

2.,Formulate this professional training plan and write teaching outline,Report Report

   After the approval of the guide, the organization is implemented;

3. Organize the formulation of curriculum construction and teaching materials construction plan,Put it into implementation;

4. Responsible for arranging the teaching tasks of teachers in this major,Personal person in charge of the course of each course and the lecturer echelon,Proposal

   List of Teachers and Division of Teachers,Approved by the Deputy Dean of Teaching,After verification how to play blackjack and approval of the Academic Affairs Office,Specific arrangementsShi;

5. Organize new teachers and listening lessons for new courses、Lesson work,Grasp the teaching level of young teachers、Lift of teaching quality

   High and teachers' teaching evaluation and business assessment work,Supervision、Implement all aspects of teacher teaching、Scientific research postResponsibility


6. Organize professional teaching seminars、Teaching experience exchange activities and academic discussions。Grasp the politics of this major、

   Business learning and discussion, and do a good job of records and assessment;

7.,Proposal selection plan for teaching materials,approved and implemented with leaders in charge;

   Responsible for statistics、Decover the teaching workload of the professionals,and correct the false personal declaration;

8. Organize propositions for various courses and examinations in this major、Reading、Statistics analysis、Report and work summary;

9. Assist the student management department to do a good job of student management,Strengthen the guidance and management of professional mentors' work;

10. Other tasks assigned by the leaders of the hospital.

Nine, Teaching and Research Office

1. Responsible for handling daily work;

2. Responsible for statistics and various reports of the students' grades of the college;

3. Responsible for the relevant information of the management institute in accordance with the regulations of the school、File、and various archive materials;

4. Assist leaders of the hospital to do a good job of daily teaching and administrative management、Student Internship、Graduation defense、Employment postgraduate、and other transactions

   sex and auxiliary work;

5. Other tasks assigned by the leaders of the hospital.

Ten, Academy Academic Committee

1.,Supervise and evaluate the courses offered by the hospital;

2. According to the relevant provisions and standards of the quality control of the experimental teaching quality,Supervise the experimental courses offered by the whole hospital

   and quality evaluation,and responsible for the assessment of the post skills of the experimental teacher;

3. Discuss the construction of high -quality courses,Recommend to the school;

4. Discuss and determine the teaching training plan and syllabus;

5. Discussion、Review and help teachers declare various types of scientific research projects,and is responsible for supervising the progress of the subject,Association

   Bad and help scientific research topics for identification and acceptance;

6. Construction and demonstration of new majors,Construction and demonstration of the new laboratory,Key laboratory and key discipline construction argument;

7. Responsible for the business assessment of teachers and the business blackjack online assessment and curriculum of new teachers,Responsible for Jin

   Grade Material Review and Recommendation.

eleven, Exam Leading Group

1. Check the test of students for the final exam、Test situation,Discover problems and deal with it in time;

2. Check the proctor (in place、Work style、Investigation records, etc.);

3. Fill in the monitoring and inspection work record.

twelve, Graduation Design Guidance Committee

1. Formulate and review the management rules and regulations of graduation design,Supervision and Inspection System、Standardized implementation;

2. Selection of graduation design、Approval、Check、Defense and other tasks to supervise and inspect and evaluate;

3. Evaluation of the quality of graduation design papers.

Thirteen, Scholarship evaluation team

1. Strictly follow the "Measures for the Management and Review Measures for Student Scholarship Management and Review of the Qinhuangdao Branch of Northeast University",Various scholarships and scholarships

   Gold conducts a preliminary evaluation and review, and recommend it to the school;

2. Various problems in the process of processing and coordinating scholarships。

14, Employment Guidance Work Leading Group

1. Summary graduate resources,Touched the basic situation of students、Select career intent,Establish a graduate employment file;

2. Provide students' grades and identification,Recommended materials and employment agreements for the preliminary trial;

3. Multi -channel、Multi -form specific classification guidance,Carry out rich and effective educational activities;

4. Collect and publish employment information suitable for the professional that belongs to the court;

5. Consolidate close related industries with the specialty of the hospital、Unit contact,Introduce the situation to the employer,Actively recommend graduates;

6. Tracking survey of graduates of our hospital,Provide information feedback;

7. Statistics, analyze and summarize the employment of the hospital.